ACE Stickyness

Load-balancer Oct 24, 2011

Load-balancers like ACE are used – as their name says – to balance traffic among several servers able to serve the same content. The easiest case is to load-balance web static content. In that particular case, when a client get a page composed of several objects (e.g. style sheets, images) it does not really matter which server is providing the different objects because each server has a local copy of the same content. So if the server farm is composed of four servers, it does not matter if server 1 is providing the html code, server 2 some images, server 3 the style sheet and server 4 nothing… It is completely transparent to the end user.

Now, what happen when the content is dynamic? The best example is a shopping cart on an e-commerce website, you browse a catalog and add stuffs you want to purchase. At any time you may consult the content of your shopping cart. Usually, the shopping cart is created on one and only one application server. So now, even if we have a server farm of four servers, every request related to the shopping cart (e.g. add or remove items, view the content) must go to the same application server. If the request goes to another application server, this one won’t be able to treat the request because it has no knowledge about that shopping cart instance…

To tackle that problem, the ACE use a technique called stickiness. A particular client is stick to a specific server. The ACE allows several methods to track the association client/server.

  • source IP
  • destination IP
  • source and destination IP
  • HTTP Cookie
  • HTTP Header
  • HTTP Content
  • Generic layer 4 parsing
  • SIP

Let’s examine the most common ones based on the following starting config.

reserver host A
  ip address
reserver host B
  ip address

serverfarm host AB
  rserver A 80
  rserver B 80

class-map match-all VIP-80
  match virtual-address tcp eq www

policy-map type loadbalance first-match LB-80
  class class-default
    serverfarm AB

policy-map multi-match VIP
  class VIP-80
    loadbalance vip inservice
    load balance policy LB-80

interface vlan100
  service-policy input VIP

With this configuration, the ACE will load-balance all the requests in a round-robin fashion between rservers A and B.

Source IP based stickiness

This method well suited only if the ACE sees enough different source IP. If all your traffic goes through a reverse-proxy this method is not for you since the ACE will see all the clients coming from the same IP and will therefore send everybody to the same application server.

On the other hand, the more different source IP the ACE sees, the more memory it will use to keep track of all the sticky sessions. If memory usage becomes an issue, you may chose a smaller netmask or go for another method.

sticky ip-netmask address source sticky-ip
 replicate sticky
 serverfarm AB
 class-map match-all VIP-81
   match virtual-address tcp eq 81

 policy-map type loadbalance first-match LB-81
   class class-default
     sticky-serverfarm sticky-ip
  policy-map multi-match VIP
   class VIP-81
     loadbalance vip inservice
     load balance policy LB-81

To check to which real server a client is associated, just issue the command “show sticky database type ip-netmask”.

ACE# show sticky database type ip-netmask source
sticky group : sticky-ip
type         : IP    
timeout      : 1440          timeout-activeconns : FALSE
  sticky-entry          rserver-instance                 time-to-expire flags   
  175735071             A:80                             85962          - 
sticky group : sticky-ip
type         : IP    
timeout      : 1440          timeout-activeconns : FALSE
  sticky-entry          rserver-instance                 time-to-expire flags   
  175669553             B:80                             86373          - 

The numbers under sticky-entry are the source IP converted into decimal.

In the Web world the usage of cookies is well known. The ACE can use them or even generate its own cookie to achieve session stickiness. In the example here below, we will make the ACE to generate its own cookie. The main advantage of that method is the low memory consumption as the ACE built the cookie-rserver mapping in advance. Only one entry per real server is required. With cookies generated by the application, the ACE needs to create a dynamic entry per cookie value and, therefore, might consume more memory.

sticky http-cookie myCookie sticky-cookie
 cookie insert browser-expire
 serverfarm AB
  class-map match-all VIP-82
    match virtual-address tcp eq 82
  policy-map type loadbalance first-match LB-82
    class class-default
      sticky-serverfarm sticky-cookie
  policy-map multi-match VIP
    class VIP-82
      loadbalance vip inservice
      load balance policy LB-82

As our serverfarm AB contains only two rservers, the ACE will generate only two cookie values based on serverfarm name, rserver name and rserver port. To check which value is assiciated to which rserver, issue the command ‘show sticky cookie-insert group’.

ACE# show sticky cookie-insert group sticky-cookie
     Cookie   |        HashKey       |           rserver-instance   
  R7072362623 | 15959351102845316184 | AB/A:80
  R1637696807 | 14926835405428408087 | AB/B:80

HTTP Header base stickiness

Instead of using a cookie, you may want to use application specific HTTP header (e.g. MSISDN in the mobile world). The usage is almost the same as with the application generated cookie.

sticky http-header myHeader sticky-header
 replicate sticky
 serverfarm AB
  class-map match-all VIP-83
    match virtual-address tcp eq 83
  policy-map type loadbalance first-match LB-83
    class class-default
      sticky-serverfarm sticky-header
  policy-map multi-match VIP
    class VIP-83
      loadbalance vip inservice
      load balance policy LB-83

ACE# show sticky database http-header myHeader


Christophe Lemaire

Christophe is network and security engineer for more than 20 years. He has always been eager to learn new technologies and to share them with his peers. He's always happy to help, so don't hesitate...

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